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New Reefer
After chcecking the FAQs page, I stll have some questions on my hitchhikers, as well as some shellfish that started to grow:

1. An anenome or polyp like critter, tan in color, about an inchi in height, 1/4 inch in diameter, with a fringe of stubby jointed tentacles surrounding a central mouth at the top of the structure. It moves around on the rock and uses the arms to filter feed. The tentacles don't taper, but remain a constant diameter to the end, which is rounded. Doesn't seem to bother anyone.

2. A polyp colony consisting of 2 polyps, about the width of spaghetti- they're red with a light blue center- any guesses as to spp or origin?

3. After removing a chunk of rock to clean off some bubble alage, I found a small crab, a clam about the size of an average pinky nail, and what appears to be some type of oyster spp. They weren't there when I bought the rock and the clam recently appeared and moves around aperiodically- could these have grown from larvae?


Advanced Reefer
1. This fits the description for Anemonia majo fairly closely. A. majo is a nuisance critter that stings other sessile inverts and reproduces easily in our tanks, so you want to watch it closely.

2. Can't do much here w/o a picture.

3. The crab and bivalve were likely in a nook in the rock when you got it, and have moved since the tank has been set up. I have a small mussel in my sump that moves around from time to time also.

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