What type of anemone is this and is it going to be as troublesome as the aiptasia? anemone?
Also...I'm finding very miniscule objects on the aquarium walls. They are white, curl around similar to a snail, don't move and are very small. Any ideas what these may be and are they hazardous?
Ok, I found your anemone pic on aol, and you owe me big time . It is definitely not an aptasia, however I can't say for sure what it is - maybe a small long tentacle anemone. Did you add it to the tank, or did it just grow out by itself? It looked like the base was buried in the sand, which the LTA does, and had a pinkish based stalk, so maybe. Aptasia are clear/tannish/brown-greenish and grow out of holes or crevices in live rock, and can completely retract back into the rock if disturbed. So, not an aptasia, but ANY anemone or coral can sting other ones, (or you for that matter)!