gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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    My name is forest , i also have a salt reef tank , the tank size is 50 gallon , 4 feet long . what would you suggest for my recently MH ?
    Now i use 250w MH .
    Hi awibrandy. It was nice seeing u again. Sorry I had to run I didn't say goodbye. It was sad to hear what happen to your tank and home. All you've lost will be restored in gods time. Be well. God bless. Conway.
    hi my name is neil i also live in farrockaway would love 2 c your tanks i have a 75 gal i just joined this sight its like reef central
    Haha. Yes its really me. Were doing great. Michael is 3. & we are expecting another baby. That means no reef tank for Daddy. So how have you been? Hope all is well with you and Junious.
    new to all this. not even sure how to post. boyfriend left me with a tank i have no clue what to do with. all i know is salt water. i would like to keep it.....but not sure how to keep all alive. any advise is appreciated
    i just saw your thread titled ' i tried'. man the tank has grown. it's a beauty. so jealous. now i don't want to send pics of my ghetto tank. :tongue1:
    It was great seeing you, your gorgeous tanks and your grogeous dogs! Now I want a tank that big!
    SO HOW DO I REQUEST YOU AS FRIEND ..LOL.. I MIGHT NEED HELP POSTING MORE STUFF IN THE FUTURE..HEHE besides you dogs look just like mine.. i have an american bulldog(rocky) and a boxer/rotty mix(diesel) ill have to send you pics
    Hi Awi.
    Sorry I am writing so late.
    I was thinking I would leave my house around 11am & I could be to you by 12.
    Lmk If this works for you, and if you could pm me your Ph# so I can give you a call on the way
    Thank you
    You are very welcome. If I read the post correctly, you are not going to MACNA, right? I am not either :-(. I had to work today (Friday) and Saturday and have plans on Sunday. I am so bummed about it. Have a good weekend
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